This Is the Police – trofea

This is the Police 5 e1477491300957

Znamy wszystkie trofea jakie można zdobyć w grze This Is the Police. Jeśli zaliczacie się więc do tych graczy, którzy przed zakupem lub uruchomieniem nowego tytułu, lubią sprawdzić zestaw trofeów, to jesteście w dobrym miejscu.

This Is the Police trofea

1Sbf49bcSevered Leg
Ahab lost his leg, but it only made him angrier.
40 bronze 196
2S7b0201Ahab’s Prosthesis
Ahab is ready for the hunt.
40 bronze 196
3S724f35Whaleboat on the Water
Ahab prepared for the decisive blow.
40 bronze 196
4Sda85e7Sinking Pequod
The ship fell victim to Ahab’s obsession.
40 gold 193
5S26b259Harpooned Whale
Ahab got what he wanted.
40 gold 193
6S279756No One Left Behind
Respond to all legitimate/bona-fide calls.
40 silver 195
7S40b1baNo Bullshit
Don’t bite on a single false alarm.
40 bronze 196
8Sb978bcNo God
Take advantage of all Special Church services.
40 bronze 196
9S55747bNo Irish
Beat the game without using the Paddy Wagon.
40 bronze 196
10S54c3f2No Big Guns
Beat the game without using SWAT.
40 bronze 196