Aktualizacja Destiny 1.2.0 jest już dostępna


O aktualizacji Destiny o numerze 1.2.0 pisaliśmy już wcześniej, a od wczoraj wieczorem jest już dostępna do pobrania. Co wprowadza patch wydany przed samą premierą dodatku House of Wolves? Widoczna od razu zmiana to pojawienie się Petra Venj emisariusza Awokenów w Tower. 

Od nowego „sklepikarza” możemy przyjmować zadania w większości związane z eliminowaniem Fallenów.

Pełna lista zmian możecie przeczytać po angielsku poniżej:


  • Fixed an issue in which Vex Mythoclast was not respawning with primary ammunition
  • Fixed an issue with the Hive Disruptor perk, which now appears in the Black Hammer perk set again
  • Fixed an issue in which the Phantom Gift and White Nail perks would become interrupted when non-precision damage occurred from other perks
    • Bonus damage from other perks (e.g., Explosive Rounds, Hive Disruptor) no longer interrupts the count
    • Three precision hits within the time window will trigger the intended refund bonus
  • Fixed an issue in which the Hive Disruptor perk did not work correctly with sustained damage events (auto rifles, pulse, etc.)
    • Oracle Disruptor perk now triggers more often
    • Hive Disruptor perk now triggers more often, but does less damage per event


  • Salvage: Moved the first Relic to more consistently appear in a centralized position on the map
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to wait an excessively long time to respawn
User Interface
  • Vendor Interaction Panel has been updated to support Quest chains
  • Vendor Interaction Panel now has better animations and fewer popping issues
  • Number of buffs that can be displayed on the Character screen has been increased
  • Inventory item stacks that have reached their highest possible count will now display gold numbers along with an alert in the tooltip that maximum quantities have been acquired
  • Added improved feedback for players who take damage from energy weapons
  • Fixed an issue in which the Mercury Grimoire card was not being awarded
  • Retroactively awarded the Mercury Grimoire card to players who have found the „Mercury Memory Fragment” Dead Ghost
  • Vendor items, damage types, and perks will now be visible on Bungie.net and the Mobile App
  • Addressed a crash on Xbox One that was induced when too many explosions/projectiles were generated
  • Fixed an issue that affected the network quality user interface
    • Indicators will no longer display persistently bad („red”) quality after a user’s connection recovers from a temporary quality issue
    • The quality indicators should now always correctly reflect a user’s live connection quality
  • We have discovered that Rare and Legendary Engrams will drop in 1.2.0 that the Cryptarchs will not recognize
  • Hold on to all newly-acquired Engrams until May 19th to benefit from their upgraded decryption skillset