Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 – trofea

Pes 2018
Pes 2018

Dzięki PlayStation Store znamy wszystkie trofea jakie można zdobyć w grze Pro Evolution Soccer 2018. Jeśli zaliczacie się więc do tych graczy, którzy przed zakupem lub uruchomieniem nowego tytułu, lubią sprawdzić zestaw trofeów, to jesteście w dobrym miejscu.

W PES 2018 sercem gry pozostaje realistyczna rozgrywka, której płynność w tegorocznej edycji ulegnie dodatkowo poprawie. Mecze rozgrywane są w bardziej realistycznym tempie, a nowy system strategicznego dryblingu daje jeszcze większą kontrolę nad zawodnikiem w zwarciu i umożliwia kontekstową osłonę piłki. Konami zaimplementowało również system REAL Touch+, dzięki któremu animacja przyjęcia piłki zależy od części ciała (przyjęcie na klatkę piersiową, głową lub nogą), a także wysokości oraz prędkości „futbolówki”. Stałe fragmenty gry również doczekały się gruntownej przebudowy, w szczególności rzuty karne i rzuty wolne.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 trofea i platyna

1S43188eUltimate Player
Perfect Collection
40 platinum 10
2Saa874fComeback King
Won after coming back from 3 goals down
40 bronze 10
3S85c69bPossessive Streak
Had the ball 65% or more of the time and won the match
40 bronze 10
A substitute scored
40 bronze 10
5S003581World Class
Scored in open play from 35m or more (excluding set pieces)
40 gold 10
6S833ba2The Sniper
Scored a free kick from 30m or more
40 silver 10
7S1125b1Phantom Striker
A defender scored a goal
40 bronze 10
8Sac224aImpregnable Fort
Faced 20 or more shots on target and kept a clean sheet
40 silver 10
9S2b06aeFinal Twist
Pulled off a win by scoring in stoppage time
40 bronze 10
10Sef1de3Played Exhibition Match!
Played Full Exhibition Match
40 bronze 10
11S61f907VERSUS (COM)
Got match data against COM in VERSUS Mode
40 bronze 10
12S6a9877VERSUS (2 Players)
Got match data in VERSUS Mode
40 bronze 10
13S7807c6Random Selection Match Kickoff!
Played a Random Selection Match to the final whistle
40 bronze 10
14S98e70fWon in UEFA Champions League
Awarded for defeating COM in an [UEFA Champions League]
40 bronze 10
15Sa9901dWon in UEFA Europa League
Awarded for defeating COM in the [UEFA Europa League]
40 bronze 10
16S7c1fadWon in AFC Champions League
Awarded for defeating COM in the [AFC Champions League]
40 bronze 10
17Saba71aPro Debut
Awarded for making an appearance in [Become a Legend]
40 bronze 10
18S272bd1Championship Winner
Awarded for winning the League Title in [Become a Legend]
40 bronze 10
19S239e35League’s Best Eleven
Awarded for being picked for the Team of the Season in [Become a Legend]
40 bronze 10
20Sa076b7Best European Soccer Player
Awarded for winning the UEFA Best Player in Europe Award in [Become a Legend]
40 silver 10
21S73a753Best S. American Soccer Player
Awarded for being named South American Player of the Year in [Become a Legend]
40 silver 10
22Sde5eecBest Asian Soccer Player
Awarded for being named Player of the Year in Asia in [Become a Legend]
40 silver 10
23Se8a3c9World Player of the Year
Awarded for being named World Player of the Year in [Become a Legend]
40 silver 10
24S1c3822Won in Master League
Awarded for earning a win in [Master League]
40 bronze 10
25S56324bTo Pastures Anew
Awarded for moving teams in [Master League]
40 bronze 10
26S7dcd77My Favorite Players
Registered a player to My Favorite Players in Master League
40 bronze 10
27S941936A True Star
Team Roles in Master League: Obtained a Legend or Bandiera
40 bronze 10
28Sc13267Owner’s Trust
Fulfilled your owner’s demand in Master League and raised your Owner’s Trust
40 bronze 10
29S98c882League Champions
Awarded for winning the League Title in any of the Top Leagues featured in [Master League]
40 bronze 10
30S69c84cEuropean Treble Winners
Awarded for winning the League, UEFA Champions League, and League Cup in a [Master League] season
40 silver 10
31S87303dLatin American Treble Winners
Awarded for winning the League, LATAM Champion, and League Cup in a [Master League] season
40 silver 10
32Sb1b8bcAsian Treble Winners
Awarded for winning the League, AFC Champions League, and League Cup in a [Master League] season
40 silver 10
33S3602b4Leading the Nation
Awarded for becoming a national team manager in [Master League]
40 bronze 10
34Sec6f64World Champions
Awarded for becoming an International Cup Winner in [Master League]
40 gold 10
35S4b89d0Silver Collector: Basic
Awarded for obtaining Silver in all [Basic] level Skills Training
40 bronze 10
36Sb53c1fSilver Collector: Intermediate
Awarded for obtaining Silver in all [Intermediate] level Skills Training
40 bronze 10
37Sc2e55aSilver Collector: Advanced
Awarded for obtaining Silver in all [Advanced] level Skills Training
40 bronze 10
38S5182fbSilver Collector: Expert
Awarded for obtaining Silver in all [Expert] level Skills Training
40 bronze 10
39S8be121Give Online a Try
Kicked off against another user in Quick Match
40 bronze 10
40S1ef3bfLobby Host
Kicked off as the host in a Friendly Match Lobby
40 bronze 10
41S6627c1First Online Divisions win
Awarded for winning your first [Online Divisions] match
40 bronze 10
42S7ecc5aPromoted in Online Divisions
Awarded for being promoted to a higher division in [Online Divisions]
40 bronze 10
43S9557e0First Glory: Competition
Awarded for your first win in an [Online Competition]
40 bronze 10
44Sd30fc8Team Play
Kicked off while taking part in a Team Play Lobby
40 bronze 10
45S032744Win a Casual Match
Won a Casual Match in Online CO-OP
40 bronze 10
46Saff70bWin a Clan Match
Won a Clan Match in Online CO-OP
40 bronze 10
47Saf8f2bmyClub: 1st Divisions win
Awarded for winning your first [Divisions] match in myClub
40 bronze 10
48Sbe033emyClub: Promoted in Divisions
Awarded for being promoted in myClub [Divisions]
40 bronze 10
49S0e7cb8myClub: 1st Divisions (SIM) win
Awarded for winning your first [Divisions (SIM)] match in myClub
40 bronze 10
50Sf592e7myClub: Divisions Promotion(SIM)
Awarded for winning promotion in myClub [Divisions (SIM)]
40 bronze 10
51Scba73dTraining Match
Kicked off while taking part in a myClub Friendly Match
40 bronze 10
52S60c303Legendary Streak
Awarded for winning 2 in a row in myClub VS COM with Match Level set to Legend
40 bronze 10
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