NBA 2KVR – trofea i osiągnięcia


Znamy wszystkie trofea jakie można zdobyć w grze NBA 2KVR. Jeśli zaliczacie się więc do tych graczy, którzy przed zakupem lub uruchomieniem nowego tytułu, lubią sprawdzić zestaw trofeów, to jesteście w dobrym miejscu. Wszystko wskazuje na to, że sięgnięcie po 100% w NBA 2KVR będzie sporym wyzwaniem, tak więc pora zakasać rękawy i wziąć się ostro roboty.

NBA 2KVR trofea

13Sc11840Missin’ Impossible
Complete Course 10 of Skills Challenge on All-Star difficulty, without a single miss, in SOLO mode.
40 gold 54
11S213917Time Lord
Achieve a catch-to-release time of less than 10.0 seconds and never miss a shot, on Pro or All-Star difficulty in Buzzer Beater, in SOLO mode.
40 silver 52
10S9755c2Three-Point Master
Complete a Three-Point game without missing a single shot, on Pro difficulty, in SOLO mode.
40 silver 52
12S03d679Sink King
Complete a Time Attack game without missing a single shot, on any difficulty, with at least 15 successful baskets, in SOLO mode.
40 silver 52
9Sc84feeUltimate Challenger
Reach challenge 10 (and sink the basket successfully) on Buzzer Beater, in SOLO mode.
40 bronze 52
Complete any Skills Challenge Course, on any difficulty, in SOLO mode.
40 bronze 52
7S18e695Tricked Out
Unlock all Skills Challenge Courses, on any difficulty, in SOLO mode.
40 bronze 52
8S13f35fThe Alternator
Sink every other shot in a Three-Point game, on any difficulty, in SOLO mode.
40 bronze 52
Complete a Time Attack game, on any difficulty, in SOLO mode.
40 bronze 52
Complete a Three-Point game, on any difficulty, in SOLO mode.
40 bronze 52
4Sa664f6Party Time
Complete any Party Single Event, on any difficulty (main user only).
40 bronze 52
6S8c4e49Fueled Up
Consume every type of boost, and complete a game with each boost, in SOLO mode.
40 bronze 52
5S31c439Friend Zone
Complete a Party Tournament, on any difficulty (main user only).
40 bronze 52