How We Soar – trofea i osiągnięcia

How We Soar

Znamy wszystkie trofea jakie można zdobyć w grze How We Soar. Jeśli zaliczacie się więc do tych graczy, którzy przed zakupem lub uruchomieniem nowego tytułu, lubią sprawdzić zestaw trofeów, to jesteście w dobrym miejscu. Wszystko wskazuje na to, że sięgnięcie po platynę w How We Soar będzie sporym wyzwaniem, tak więc pora zakasać rękawy i wziąć się ostro roboty.

How We Soar trofea

1S6cf012Platinum Artist
Collect all trophies.
40 platinum 58
Paint the 8th level.
40 gold 65
13Sd78029The Truth
Complete the game.
40 gold 65
15Sf6be9fThe Art of War
Paint the 2nd level.
40 gold 65
Paint the 10th level.
40 gold 65
19Sb4e257Sketches of Stars
Paint the 6th level.
40 gold 65
24S46a526Picture Perfect
Paint the 11th level.
40 gold 65
25S4cb180Hold All Birds
Hold 4 Key Birds simultaneously.
40 gold 65
22S052930Turnip Prize
Paint the 9th level.
40 silver 64
26S2cdac9Test Bounds
Reach any level’s outer limits.
40 silver 64
14Sfc142dSolo Artist
Paint the 1st level.
40 silver 64
17Sc57107Romantic Period
Paint the 4th level.
40 silver 64
18S07b950Home Decorating
Paint the 5th level.
40 silver 64
16S3b7e70First Impressionism
Paint the 3rd level.
40 silver 64
20S7c7db2Cracked Paint
Paint the 7th level.
40 silver 64
11S9b7312The Void
Complete the 10th level.
40 bronze 64
7S9b2f9fThe Trip
Complete the 6th level.
40 bronze 64
10S2552f1The Separation
Complete the 9th level.
40 bronze 64
12S724dc0The Resolution
Complete the 11th level.
40 bronze 64
5S093b53The Meeting
Complete the 4th level.
40 bronze 64
6Sc190f3The Home
Complete the 5th level.
40 bronze 64
3S6f7328The Fantasy
Complete the 2nd level.
40 bronze 64
9Sdb2ae6The Deep
Complete the 8th level.
40 bronze 64
8S38043dThe Calm
Complete the 7th level.
40 bronze 64
2Sdf60ecThe Beginning
Complete the 1st level.
40 bronze 64
4Sa2cd43The Bachelor
Complete the 3rd level.
40 bronze 64