Battlefield 1 trofea – zobacz co zrobić, by zdobyć platynę

Battlefield 1 2 e1473706457935

Battlefield 1 to bez wątpienia jedna z najlepszych gier tego roku (recenzja gry). Fabuła tym razem przenosi gracza na fronty I Wojny Światowej. Premiera tytułu odbyła się 21 października 2016 r. Battlefield 1 ukazał się w pełnej polskiej wersji językowej na Xbox One, PlayStation 4 i PC.

Poniżej znajduje się lista 32 osiągnięć do zdobycia.

Battlefield 1 trofea PlayStation 4

1Sf158be 1World War One Hero
Obtain all trophies
40 platinum 71
8S83ac97 1Medic Enlistment
Reach Medic Rank 2 in multiplayer
40 gold 78
29S839d02 1Enough for a library
Collect all Field Manuals in the campaign
40 gold 78
10Se1825d 1Support Enlistment
Reach Support Rank 2 in multiplayer
40 gold 78
9S84f62b 1Scout Enlistment
Reach Scout Rank 2 in multiplayer
40 gold 78
32Sa68491 1Master of adaptation
Complete all challenges in the campaign
40 gold 78
7S2d0f19 1Assault Enlistment
Reach Assault Rank 2 in multiplayer
40 gold 78
18Sd352fc 1All men dream
Unlock all Codex Entries in Nothing is Written
40 silver 77
31Sfca064 1Putting in the effort
Complete 10 challenges in the campaign
40 silver 77
27S863dfa 1The War to End All Wars
Complete the campaign on Hard difficulty
40 silver 77
25S3cc31d 1Triple Boluk-Bashi
Kill all 3 Ottoman officers in Young Men’s Work with melee kills in the campaign
40 silver 77
21Sbe6a12 1The hills of Gallipoli
Unlock all Codex Entries in The Runner
40 silver 77
19S420487 1Sound of thunder
Unlock all Codex Entries in Through Mud and Blood
40 silver 77
20Sb1e05f 1Conquering the mountains
Unlock all Codex Entries in Avanti Savoia!
40 silver 77
17S55b396 1Taking down giants
Unlock all Codex Entries in Friends in High Places
40 silver 77
11S57643d 1Decorated
Reach Rank 1 with all 4 Infantry classes in multiplayer
40 silver 77
5S3bd2cb 1Warbonds
Earn 450 Warbonds in multiplayer
40 bronze 77
30Sf59628 1Up to the challenge
Complete one challenge in the campaign
40 bronze 77
3S96ddae 1Counter-sniper
Using a bolt action rifle, kill an enemy Scout in multiplayer
40 bronze 77
28S0bde01 1Catching up on some reading
Collect one Field Manual in the campaign
40 bronze 77
4Seee221 1Play the Objective
Complete 25 Squad Orders in multiplayer
40 bronze 77
26S438f93 1The Great War
Complete the campaign on Normal difficulty
40 bronze 77
15S989f07 1Avanti Savoia!
Complete Avanti Savoia!
40 bronze 77
16S961686 1The Runner
Complete The Runner
40 bronze 77
23S34294d 1Mightier than the shovel
Find the hidden Cavalry Sword and take down an enemy on the French countryside in the campaign
40 bronze 77
22S6826d0 1Up close and personal
Perform a melee kill on 10 enemies anywhere in the campaign
40 bronze 77
12Sa93204 1Friends in High Places
Complete Friends in High Places
40 bronze 77
6Sefc364 1Corporal
Reach Rank 10 in multiplayer
40 bronze 77
13Sc7a6ea 1Nothing is Written
Complete Nothing is Written
40 bronze 77
14S720a69 1Through Mud and Blood
Complete Through Mud and Blood
40 bronze 77
2Sccdc52 1Operations
Win 1 Operation in multiplayer
40 bronze 77
24S1979ab 1Shock Wave
Kill 5 enemies by using dynamite in the campaign
40 bronze 77
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