We Sing – trofea i osiągnięcia

Now Sing e1478192921303

Znamy wszystkie trofea jakie można zdobyć w grze We Sing. Jeśli zaliczacie się więc do tych graczy, którzy przed zakupem lub uruchomieniem nowego tytułu, lubią sprawdzić zestaw trofeów, to jesteście w dobrym miejscu. Wszystko wskazuje na to, że sięgnięcie po platynę w We Sing będzie sporym wyzwaniem, tak więc pora zakasać rękawy i wziąć się ostro roboty.

We Sing trofea

1S1378b3We Sing
Unlocked all trophies in We Sing
40 platinum 53
47Sdc17d5Music Award Winner
Sing 20 songs on Hard
40 gold 56
46S91548dI just want to sing
Sing every song on the disc
40 gold 56
48S6a7164Going supernova
Score over 90000
40 gold 56
45S3f58bfYou killed that song
End a song with less than 10000 points
40 silver 54
42S507ddbUpcoming Star
Sing 10 songs on Medium
40 silver 54
43Sd1bdd8Is this the referendum?
Win with a margin/difference of less than 20,000
40 silver 54
44Sd6351cI’m in a band
Sing with 3 other friends 15 times
40 silver 54
41S830ecdDon’t stop singing… ever
Sing your entire playlist selection
40 silver 54
22S782616You’ve got the key
You sung Locked Out of Heaven at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
17S666e0eYou’ve crashed the mall!
You sung Complicated at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
29S24f86fYou’re the leading man
You sung This Ain’t A Scene, It’s An Arms Race at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
18S979dd7You made it major
You sung 7 Years at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
25Seb2095You look incredible
You sung Thrift Shop at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
20S9e3972Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
You sung Yeah! at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
4Sa418fcWe’ll definitely see you again
You sung See You Again at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
15Saeb509The working day is done
You sung Girls Just Wanna Have Fun at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
11S5ef21eTake it on
You sung Take On Me at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
28Sd098eeSunshine is here
You sung Happy at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
37S6eb2b1Singing Master
Played Single player mode on Expert at least 10 times
40 bronze 54
27Sc1af90Sing sing passion baby
You sung Bad Romance at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
24S120872Sing it until the dawn
You sung Marvin Gaye at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
21Sc3b8c4She is loved
You sung She Will Be Loved at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
10S5c34adSeize the day!
You sung Viva La Vida at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
3S13cadaParty Girl
You sung Chandelier at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
13S025fedNeed a medic
You sung Stitches at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
8S1afe1cLet’s Sway!
You sung Let’s Dance at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
7Sb06700Keep loving me!
You sung Love Me Again at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
36Sb64f7dKeep going round and round
Played Pass the Mic at least 10 times
40 bronze 54
40Sb1cf44Just you and the music
Sung at least 10 songs with the instrumental track option
40 bronze 54
38Sef9329Just need a little help
Played Karaoke Guided Mode at least 10 times
40 bronze 54
30Sbc2f0cI picked my poison and it’s you!
You sung Poison at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
6S1b5368I love your style
You sung Worth It at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
14S0ede7bI couldn’t even if I tried
You sung Don’t Go Breaking My Heart at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
31Sa3eb3dI can’t let go
You sung Let It Go at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
19S73a240Have your cake and eat it
You sung Cake by the Ocean at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
34S4636d8Get yourself a drink!
Played Marathon 5 times
40 bronze 54
32S6ddf63Fight your friends
Played Versus mode at least 10 times
40 bronze 54
16S7c7145Eternally singing
You sung Eternal Flame at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
33S6cb59eDon’t fight your friends
Played We Sing mode at least 10 times
40 bronze 54
12Seb20ffDon’t ever stop dancing
You sung Dancing Queen at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
26Sc8ef07Counted them all
You sung Counting Stars at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
39S9a1419Classic Mode
Played Karaoke mode at least 10 times
40 bronze 54
23S543916Blow a kiss
You sung Lean On at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
2S7199ddBaby, One More Time!
You sung …Baby One More Time at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
5S850646Always awake
You sung Wake Me Up at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
9S17e1efAbsolute Queen
You sung Another One Bites the Dust at least 10 times!
40 bronze 54
35Sd44a0150K Champion
Played First to 50K at least 10 times
40 bronze 54